Monday, 26 November 2012

This year

This year we went to chester zoo it was very fun we saw lots of animals and we saw lots of monkeys.We did lots of exciting things for banks lane we have not seen them yet but we will see them in spring.We did lots of dance about swan lake we got into groups and prented to be the charctes  it was really Katie and Adam



Tuesday, 20 November 2012



Chester Zoo

At Chester Zoo we saw some peingwins. The peingwins were cute and friendly. We learnt that peinngwins could slide on there belly. We learnt that peingwins walked like they were dancing.

chester Zoo

At Chester Zoo we sore some amazing Jaguars!They were realy phears.They had a tiny den.The Jaguars were realy spoty and  big.Did you know that Jaguars live in Africa?

 by Charlie and mason

chester zoo

We went to chester zoo as a school trip it was exciting when we first got there. There was lots of scary animals at the zoo  the bats were scary .Were the bats stayed it was dark and you coulndt see anything! The ape was right near the window and it was looking at all the people.The Giraffs were really tall and they were like a giant to us.

the amazing Chester Zoo.

Our favourite animal was the ape standing in the glass window. Our openine was go to the apes first because they are really exciting. We think that you should see the apes so you can see the baby apes and see all the diffrent color apes. Nearlly everyone in the class liked the apes because they are really cute and they stare at you  threw the glass window and everyone in the class thought it was really jonathan and hannah.

The amazing chester zoo

I  like  the  penguins  at chester  zoo  when  we  went we  sore   the funny  penguins  they  live  in  deep  water.

The mokeys that we saw swung on the trees and knoced on the glass.  they also climed up the tree  and back doun. they like apple to eat and bana. 

amazing chester zoo

we went to chester zoo and we enjoyed all the animals.we  loved the penguins because they dived in the water and they swam very fast.we enjoyed chester zoo.

Chester Zoo

At Chester Zoo my favret animal was Pengins because they can jump in and because they can slid on there bellys.
 My favret animal is lion because i like it's courler and it's roar.
We both liked the bat cave because they flue a buth awer heads.
We both in joyd the monkey's because they are cheeky

by Lola and Tyrell.

Fluttery butterflys.

The beutifle butterflys at Chester Zoo had very delicoute wings.They were very pretty.

We saw them eat.They don't have very good table manners at all.

At Chester Zoo their location is very hot.They all live together but in the wild they are usily seperated from other butterflys.They sometimes live in gardens.

Did you know butterflys eat with their inten eyes?

Chester zoo

When we went to the amazing chester zoo we sore lots of fasernnating Animals and we did lots of  resurch  .
We sore the Amazing fast Cheaters they were in there dark den keeping them worm .
At chester zoo i like the amazing grafs they have long necks so they can eat the leavs of tall trees i like the grafs becase they are funny. 

 from  Linden and Isaac

Chester zoo

When we went to chester zoo we saw amazing Giraffe they used there toung to eat there food from up a buv the trees. We also  looked  at  amazing  aps and  they  were very funny.we also saw intresting cheeters and they were verry sleepey because they were worm and cosy in bed. we also saw amazing spider monkeys and they were very flecsable and we sed wow what cool monkeys. At chester zoo we saw elthphants and they were increble because they were huge and stamp there feet and it was amazing to see them.the elefants flaping there ears and chomping  on there dilishos straw. we look at butterflys and they were flying abuv us  and we saw them eating.we loved chester zoo  

 thank you for reading this infermathion  of   the  zoo. thank  you.

Chester Zoo

At Chester Zoo saw lots of incredible animals. They were lions, butterflys and spider monkeys and lots more. It was amazing! The spider monkeys was cool because how they swing side to side. At the end we were full of intrest.

Chester Zoo

We went chester zoo and we saw girrafes they had pacths which are yellow and white .They eat leafs.girrafes are tall:Fact they grow up to 5 meters?The Girrafes have a cousin okipi!The okipi is half zebra and half girrafe!

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Chester zoo

We went to chester zoo it was brilliant we had so much fun. When we went we sore spider monkeys they where so funny the baby 's where so cute. It was so cool when the spider monkeys were climbing to the over side.

Chester Zoo

We saw apes at chester zoo. The apes were jolly and furry hairy.And they were also had alot of energy.The apes had dark skin.

The apes are full of power  and lazy ' and climby and they like to eat delishous food.

Chester Zoo

We think that Chester Zoo was a great school trip to have. Everyone who was at Chester Zoo was so suprised about everything they saw and wanted to see more great animals. Everyone really liked Chester Zoo and said they would recomend it. We all said that there was some really great animals at Chester Zoo like Giraffes , Cheeters , Butterflys and Elephants. But our favourite animal was Giraffes. Nearlly everyone in the class favourite animal was Giraffes.

chester zoo


At chester zoo we saw a big butter fly and we saw a lion. The butter fly was eating a apple and they were  good. One flue on my head.          

by mara and mitchell

chester zoo

when we went to chester zoo we loved the ape's because they were very funny.         

when we said cheese it moved everywhere.

chester zoo

.At chester zoo the monkeys were very cool because they were swinging branch to branch  and they were amazing     the monkeyswere really funkey because they were jumping  about.

Chester zoo

at chester zoo we saw Pengowins ,Gorafs and Buterflis.
Because gorafs have long necs. Butterflis eat with ther in teneyes . Did you know pengowins can live on rocks with no snow.

Chester Zoo

At Chester Zoo we saw the roaring lions.

They were amazing!

 At Chester Zoo we saw the incredible penguins.

chester zoo

chester zoo was amazing because you saw lots of scary and fun animals. The bats were really scary and they came near us. Are favrite animals were the girafs and monkeys. The funny animal was the ape on the window because it was right near us. The Elephants were big and there feet were stamping very loudly.  katie jonathan akif.

chester zoo

we saw a girraff they looked verry spoty.

            girraffs use there tong to pick there nose and clean there ears.

Chester Zoo

we saw  amazing  apes at  chester Zoo. The ape that we saw was stareing at us. The  ape  was  very funny.

Monday, 5 November 2012

chester zoo

We saw a big Monkey & we saw a giraffe. The butterfly went on my leg & my faivte was the big one.
I saw a big Bird. I don`t like the the lions because they are scray.

by mara and mitchell

International Week

In fantastic international week we learnt about Brazil we tried useing chopsticks it was fun . We enjoyed dancing it was funny because we were dancing in a line. We tried mooncake  it was nice and we watched a film.              by Sienna  Isabelle.

Autumn 1 what we engoyd

We made amazing hats and my hat look like a clown hat.

At Chester zoo we went to see all the animal my favourite animal is the amazing Ockapender a Giraffe's cousin it look like a giraffe and a zebra.

by Naomi and Isaac

my favourite subjects and school trips

my favourite subjects are art because i like pating  , pastportrats i like doing them because i chaleng my selfuls , feltips and i like doing are christmes cards and .
i like chestdezoo because i like the oring monkeys because they were at the window.
 like the hats because could make it sparceley

by Akif and Lola

Autumn 1-some fun things we did.

in year  3 we learned a lot of  interesting  stuff  like.
fun chester zoo like the  amazing  huge  elephants .
And when we did the interesting  dot  paintings it was fun because it had  lots of  interesting  colours.
i like the part when we learned about Charles  dawin .

by Isobel and Charlee

Chester Zoo

At Chester Zoo we saw lots of amazing animals.We enjoyed it lots,we did alot of work to.We found out lots of interesting facts as well.

by Charlie,Yannis and Linden

Autumn1-the entertaining things we did

This half term we have enjoyed learning about Charles Darwin , I am poems and lots more. Now we will tell you all about it.

Charles Darwin was a very clever scientist who found out about nature.He had his own thinking path and a dog.Other people are still trying to find things out that no one else knows just like Charles Darwin did.

We wrote poems about our amazing selves. Also we wrote biographys  about our very exciting friends.

By Amelia and Hannah.

Autumn 1 some fun things that we did

we went amazing chester zoo,when we were at chester zoo we loved the monkeys,we really loved the Giraffe's and the fruit bats.

Autumn 1- some fun things we did

we went to exciting chester Zoo, we made are own amazing hats and we made spring rolls and we ate with chop sticks .

we learnt are times tables we also write are own biographies about other pepole ,and we write are own poems.

we singed  a bob marley  song,we write about charles darwin and we did lots of dance.

by katie and jonathan


we went to chester zoo in september

We saw Girraffs,spider monkeys,elephants,bats,gorrilas,lepords,tautura,frogs,birds,penguins,ostrich,snakes and ockipi.
The animuls that we saw was intressting.
the penguins are funny because they were jumping in the water it was funny when the parents got wet.
Bats are noisy because they squike so loud and they eat fruit and they are fruit bats.
Spider Monkeys are cool when they jump on diffrent Places and they use there tails to ballance.
Snakes are long when they sliver round in cercels and they are poisonness.
Elephants are tall, long and intresting for the people who don't know much about them.
Lepards think there boss and they are grey with black spots.

by Jude and Salmaan

Autumn 1 - Some fun things we did

Our topic in Autumn was called "Who Do You Think You Are?". We wrote I am poems and learned how to write biographies. We wrote biographies about a scientist called Charles Darwin and our friends.
We also investigated different types of leaves like Charles Darwin did and we went to the amazing Chester Zoo.

By Miss Roper