Friday, 24 May 2013

Year 3's Great British Cafe Experience!

Year 3 have been thinking about what is British food, what is traditional English food and what food is actually eaten in Britain. We sorted foods into these groups. We decided as a group that many foods that are not originally from Britain are now starting to become part of British culture and could become 'British' foods. We then made a British Menu which included a starter of spring rolls, a main of vegetable biryani and a dessert of peach crumble. The children enjoyed making and of course TASTING their menu. We had a lovely last day before the May holidays!



Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Year 3 and Year 4's Tudor Protests - Catholic vs Protestant

The children got ready for the protest.
Catholic: "We will, we will, burn you!
Protestant: Down with Mary!

We had short phrases to chant.

They practised their chants.

Year 4 got involved too!


Year 3 Mathematics Project

We have been part of a mathematics project with Manchester and Manchester Metropolitan university. We are focusing how to get better at talking about problems and number lines.

We used number lines to solve problems about difference.

We thought carefully about how to explain how we used our number lines to solve the difference problem.

We wrote about what we discovered.

Tudor Theme Day

We had a Tudor day where the children dressed up and completed a game about colonies. They had to problem solve and work together as a team. They were superstars!

All dressed up!

Ready to play the part.

Choosing where to set up a colony.

The journey to the colony.

The children had disasters throughout the journey on the way to their colony.

OH NO! We lost some of our supplies!

We had to build as many houses as possible in our colonies but things happened to them as we lived there.

Year 3 and 4 together!

We had to decide whether to stay with our colonies or move to another.

Our First Linking School Trip with Banks Lane to Zion Art's Centre

We were very excited to meet our new friends on the coach!

We started with circle games.

One group of children did screen printing. It was very messy and we had to think about words about friendship.

We other groups did African drumming. We learned about different instruments and how to play them.

We had to play in time and copy rhythms.

We got to know our new Banks Lane friends at lunchtime.

We really enjoyed our first visit with Banks Lane. We can't wait to see them again!!